11th Gogreen Summit

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Scientific Highlights

  • Waste Management
  • Renewable Energy and Green Manufacturing Technology
  • Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Pollution and Health Effects
  • Industrail Health and Toxicology
  • Green Construction and Smart Cities
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Disaster Management
  • Ocean Technology and Ocenaography
  • Water Convervation, Management, and Treatment
  • Nanotechnology Impacts on Environment
  • Green Mobility
  • Lifestyle Fashion and Green Wearables
  • Green Economy and Sustainable Business
  • Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism

  • Solid and liquid waste management
  • Biomedical Waste and awareness of biomedical waste
  • Sustainable waste management
  • Hazardous and non-hazardous waste management
  • E-waste management
  • Municipal solid waste processing
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Bioremediation: solid and liquid wastes
  • Organic Waste Composter
  • Filtration technologies
  • Plastic recycling: challenges and opportunities
  • Challenges in collection and segregation of plastic waste
  • Technology and innovations in plastics recycling
  • Bioplastics
  • Three R's–Refuse or Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Recycling business and Recycling market
  • Anti-plastic attitude

  • Solar Energy
  • Wind energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Bioenergy
  • Hydrothermal and tidal Energy
  • Energy efficiency solutions
  • Biobased & Bio-inspired Materials
  • Waste-to-energy technology
  • Clean energy systems and technology
  • Advance technologies for alternative fuels
  • Solar water pumps
  • Sustainable technologies
  • Green Energy and Economy
  • Renewable energy applications
  • Renewables – fuels and technologies

  • Global warming and consequences
  • Net zero CO2 emissions
  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Melting of solar ice caps and Sea level rise
  • Eco-friendly electronic and gadgets
  • Deforestation and its effects
  • Global Climate Strategies and Policies
  • Climate change and biodiversity
  • Causes and effects of Climate change
  • Climate change and climatology
  • Remote sensing application to climate change
  • Meteorology

  • Pollution and its types
  • Health consequences of pollution
  • Technological innovations to control pollution
  • Pollution control equipments
  • Pollution Monitoring devices
  • Environmental Factors & types of Cancer caused
  • Pediatric child health
  • Toxicological impact on human
  • Respiratory Disorders and cardiovascular diseases
  • Environmental carcinogens and cancer risk
  • Cancers of lungs, head, and neck
  • Air quality and Covid 19
  • Green Dentistry
  • Components of green dentistry
  • Green dentistry safer for the environment
  • Benefits and Barriers of green dentistry
  • Reducing or eliminating chemical wastes
  • Patient practices
  • Environmental impact of dental practices

  • Environmental impacts of industrial waste
  • Health effects of industrial waste
  • Safety and risk assessments
  • Bioaccumulation and biomagnification
  • Occupational hygiene, toxicity, and exposure control
  • Industrial waste management and technologies
  • Healthcare for industrial workers
  • Principles of Occupational health and Safety
  • Online monitoring of Industrial emission and effluent

  • Rainwater harvesting technologies
  • Green Urbanization and Smart Cities
  • Sustainable rural livelihoods
  • Regional, Rural and urban development
  • Building decarbonization
  • Circular Economy
  • Smart cities and Inclusive growth
  • SDGs for cities
  • Civil, Mechanical Engineering and architecture

  • Crop production technology
  • Water saving technologies
  • Agriculture and food security
  • Soil Management
  • Biofertilizers
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Transgenic plants
  • Food Waste Management
  • Agricultural waste management
  • Dairy, Poultry and Livestock Farming
  • Active Carbon Technology for soil and plants
  • Seed Treatment

  • Natural and Man-Made disasters
  • Disaster impacts, Management and Resilience
  • Disaster preparedness
  • Depletion of natural resources
  • Risk Analysis and Loss control
  • Disaster Mitigation technologies
  • Post disaster management technology

  • Marine Environment, Oceanography, And Meteorology
  • Offshore Structures and Technology
  • Ocean Vehicles and Floating Structures
  • Marine ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Climate and Ocean Change
  • Ocean Exploration Technology
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Marine Engineering

  • Restoration of wetlands
  • Water pollution, causes, effects and solution
  • Green infrastructure in water management
  • Smart technology and innovation in water & wastewater treatment
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Photocatalytic water purification technology
  • Biological and chemical Wastewater treatment technologies

  • Green Nanotechnology
  • Pollution sensing and detectors
  • Nanotechnology in water treatment
  • Nano pollutants and Nano sensors
  • Nanomaterials for environment protection and remediation

  • Electric Cars and Vehicles
  • Alternative fuels
  • Eco Mobility SHIFT
  • Green transport technologies
  • Green supply chain management
  • Green design and manufacturing

  • Green Cosmetics
  • Sustainable clothing
  • Fashion design and sustainability
  • Green furniture
  • Net Zero lifestyle
  • Transitioning to reusable items

  • Policy and Regulation
  • Green Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainable Energy Transition
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting
  • Green Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  • Sustainable Business Practices in Developing Countries
  • Corporate Biodiversity Conservation
  • Green Jobs and Workforce Development
  • Circular Economy Business Models
  • Climate Action
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Quality Education

  • Sustainable Travel Practices
  • Ecotourism Policy and Advocacy
  • Impact Assessment and Monitoring
  • Tourism Planning and Management
  • Sustainable tourism Certification and Standards