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Dr. Farooq Anwar with PhD in Analytical Chemistry from NCEAC, Jamshoro has more than 24 years of research experience at national and international level. He has earned two Post-Doctoral fellowships including from University of Lethbridge, Canada (2007-08) and Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (2010-11). He also served as Associate Professor at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University (PSAU), Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia for almost three years (2014 to 2017). Professor Anwar has served as Director Office of the Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) during 2018-2023 and Director Institute of Chemistry during 2017- 2023 at University of Sargodha (UOS), Pakistan. He is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Sargodha (UOS), Sargodha, Pakistan since 2017. Currently, Dr Anwar is engaged as a Professor at Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia. In addition to involvement in different funded research projects as Principal Investigator (PI), he has supervised 15 PhDs, 72 MPhil and 111 MSc research students. He has published mora than 310 publications with 36,200 Google Scholar based Citations (h-index 93, i-10 index 224); 19,700 Scopus indexed citations (h-index 75); 28,000 Research gate based citations (h-index 87) to his credit. He has also authored 21 Book chapters and one Book with foreign publishers.
Dr Anwar has been enlisted as Productive Scientist of Pakistan (PCST) and Fellow of the Chemical Society of Pakistan (CSP). He has also been awarded Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman Gold Medal/Prize-2010 (Chemistry) by Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS). He has also been awarded TWAS Young Affiliate Fellow (2009-14) by World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy. He has also been awarded Research Excellence Award -2018 by PSAU, Saudi Arabia. He has also been enlisted among Worlds 2% top scientists by Elsevier BV Stanford University, USA for the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 based on "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. Prof Anwar has also been awarded Research Fellowship by Shinawatra University, Pathum Thani, Thailand for the period 2024- 2027.
Dr. Pothiyappan Karthik is presently an Associate Professor and Head at the Department of Food Technology, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (Deemed to be University), Tamil Nadu, India. He has done Ph.D. in “Food Technology” at CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, India. He has grown academically as B.Tech. (Biotechnology) from Bharathidasan University and M.Tech. (Food Technology) from AC. Tech., Anna University. He has work experience in Post-Doctoral Fellow at School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China in collaboration with University of Leads, UK. He has received the prestigious CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from CSIR, Govt. of India for his doctoral work, Young Scientist Award from IMRF Reg. from Regd with Govt. of India NITI Aayog NGO Darpan and NESA Scientist of the Year Award-2023 from National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi. In addition, he got international research travel grant to attend the conference at Australia, 2015 by SERB-DST, CICS and DBT, Govt. of India. He has also a recipient of a funded major research project Rs. 75 Lakhs from DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. His research interests include Food Nanotechnology, Food Engineering, Food colloids, Encapsulation of bioactives, Biopolymers, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.
The research accomplishments include 2649 citations with 16 h-index and a cumulative impact factor of 130. He has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and publishers, 15 book chapters, granted international patents (Germany and China) and 1 national patent. Further, he supervised Post-doctorate, JRF, undergraduate and a Master student’s (MS) on the development of millets, functional foods and food emulsions. He has recognised as one of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2023 (UK) outstanding reviewers among 7 members in the world. He serves as an academic editor in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Int. Journal of Food Science, Journal of Food Quality, Journal of Nanotechnology and Editorial Board Member for BMC Biotechnology, apart from being a Guest Editor in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Discover Foods, BMC Chemistry and BMC Nutrition, Springer Nature. He is currently editing a book entitled “Native and Modified Starches for Food Applications” and “Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Food Systems: Advances and Opportunities in Product Formulation, Technology and Delivery” in Elsevier.
Assistant Professor Dr. Tan Choon Hui currently serves as the Head of the Food Science and Nutrition Department at the Faculty of Applied Sciences. She has been with UCSI University since 2009, specializing in food processing and technology. Dr. Tan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Food Technology, a PhD in Food Technology, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching. She is a Professional Member of the Malaysia Institute of Food Technologists (MIFT) and a full member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World.
Her research focuses on the characterization and utilization of palm oil, food processing, and the development of functional food products, particularly aimed at enhancing the nutritional quality and shelf life of food products. Over the years, Dr. Tan has secured twelve government and institutional research grants and has contributed as a consultant to ten industrial collaboration projects.
Sapto P. Putro obtained his undergraduate degree from the Faculty of Biology at Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia, in 1992. He subsequently pursued a Master’s degree in Ecology at the Postgraduate Program of the Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, Indonesia, and graduated in 1999. In 2007, he earned his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Marine Ecology and Aquaculture from the School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Flinders University of South Australia. His professorship in Marine Biology was conferred in 2021. Dr. Putro has dedicated numerous years to the study of aquatic ecology, focusing primarily on biomonitoring aquaculture activities in diverse aquatic environments, including lakes, rivers, coastal areas, offshore regions, and coastal aquaculture systems, both in tropical and temperate ecosystems. He is currently a Senior Lecturer specializing in ecology and aquaculture at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Actively engaged in both national and international scientific forums, he is a member of professional organizations such as the Indonesian Biological Association (PBI), the Indonesia Aquaculture Society (IAS), and the World Aquaculture Society (WAS). Additionally, he serves on the editorial boards of several international scientific journals and as an international keynote speaker in the scientific conferences in Marine Ecology and Aquaculture. Dr. Putro has published numerous articles in reputable international journals and has authored several books. His ongoing research emphasizes the development of smart, productive, and sustainable aquaculture practices by employing Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems, including his patented innovation, the Stratified Double Net Cage (Patent No. IDS000001488, August 8, 2016; Trademark “KJABB-IMTA SP01” No. IDM000661772, August 24, 2017; DJKI RI). The KJABB-IMTA product was recognized among the "110 Most Prospective Indonesian Innovation Works" in 2018 and has since received several accolades, including the 2023 Award for the Smart Dashboard System to support Smart Modern Aquaculture and Ecoedutourism, as well as the 2024 Award for the Smart Robotic IMTA Cage to support Productive Sustainable Mariculture, granted by the Business Innovation Center (BIC). Moreover, Dr. Putro has developed innovative software for biomonitoring applications that integrates abiotic and biotic data (macrobenthic structure), which has been registered with copyright (No. 000143025, EWS-3SWJ software, January 16, 2019, DJKI RI). He has also established and currently leads the Center of Marine Ecology and Biomonitoring for Sustainable Aquaculture (Ce-MEBSA), which serves as a hub for advancing research and innovation in sustainable aquaculture practices